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Manage Administration Options

What Can I Do?


You can view and maintain the business and user information you've set up for Business Bill Payer. In addition, you may be able to approve users and payment accounts that were added by other authorized users.

The administration options vary based on the service plan and your authority level. When you select an option, Business Bill Payer displays the appropriate information so that you can make your changes or additions.

Managing Approvals

When Level 2 Users add new users or payment accounts, the Level 1 User's approval is needed before these changes take effect. If the Level 1 User has approvals pending, one or more approvals sections appear near the top of the Manage Administration Options page.

Level 1 Users, you have the option to approve or reject pending changes. If necessary, you can make changes to user or account information before you click Approve. If you click Reset, any changes you have entered are cleared.

Note: If you select one of the other options on the Manage Administration Options page, the approvals section is hidden. You can see pending approvals again if you select another tab and then select the Administration tab.

The approvals section does not appear unless you have pending approvals.

Managing Authorized Users

You can view and maintain information about the people who can access Business Bill Payer and contact customer service on behalf of your business. The options you see depend on your authority level.

To manage authorized users:

  1. Click Administration.
    The Manage Administration Options page opens.
  2. In the What would you like to do section, click Manage authorized users.
    A summary of all users appears below the manage option.
  3. Click a user's name to see the User Details.
    From the User Details page, you can see and edit information such as the user's name, phone number, email address, and user ID and password. The options you see depend on your authority level.

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Adding Authorized Users

The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users can add authorized users to Business Bill Payer at any time.

Authority Levels

Your authority level determines which users you can add:

User IDs and Passwords

Creating a user ID and password ensures that only authorized users can access the Business Bill Payer account. Authorized users must type an ID and password each time they sign in to Business Bill Payer.

The user ID must be between 9 and 32 characters. It is not case sensitive and can include letters, numbers, and special characters, but no spaces. The ID must be unique within your business.

The password doesn't need to be unique within your business, but you should choose a password that others cannot easily guess. Follow these guidelines when creating a password:

To add authorized users:

  1. Click Add authorized user.
    The Add Authorized User page appears.
  2. Type the authorized user's personal information.
  3. Select the user's authority level.
    Only the Level 1 User can select an authority level.
  4. In User ID, type the authorized user's ID.
    The ID must be between 9 and 32 characters. It can include letters, numbers, and special characters, but no spaces.
  5. In Password, type a password that is 8 characters without spaces. It is case sensitive and must contain at least two of the following: an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number, and a special character.
  6. In Confirm Password, retype the password to verify it.
  7. In Secret Word, type a word that you or the authorized user can remember in case the authorized user forgets the password. This word can be from 2 to 32 characters, letters or numbers.
  8. In Social Security Number, type the user's Social Security number.
    This information helps us verify the user's identity to guard against possible identity fraud.
  9. In Birth Date, type the user's date of birth.
    This information helps us verify the user's identity to guard against possible identity fraud.
  10. Click Add User.
    The authorized user's information appears so that you can verify it.
  11. Click Finished.
    The user is added to the list of authorized users, and the Manage Administration Options page clears so that you can select another option.

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Managing Business Information

You can view and maintain the information we keep on file for your business. If the information for your business changes, you should update it as soon as possible. We need accurate information in case it is necessary to contact you about your account.

Note: The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to change the business information.

To view the business information:

  1. Click Administration on any page.
    The Manage Administration Options page opens.
  2. In the What would you like to do section, click View business information.
    The current business information appears below the view option.

To change the business information:

  1. In the What would you like to do section, click Update business information.
    The current business information appears below the view option.
  2. Enter the changes you want to make and click Save Changes.
    Your business information is changed, and the page clears so that you can select another option.

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Changing the Service Fee Account

You can change the payment account from which the service fees are withdrawn.

Note: The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to change the service fee account.

To change the service fee account:

  1. Click Administration on any page.
    The Manage Administration Options page opens.
  2. In the What would you like to do section, click Update service fee account.
    The service fee account information appears below the update option.
  3. Select the account you want the service fees withdrawn from.
    This list shows only confirmed accounts. If there is only one account, that information appears for viewing only.
  4. Click Save Changes.
    The service fee account is changed, and the page clears so that you can select another option.

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Viewing the Payment Plan

The payment plan indicates the amount you are charged, if any, to make payments using Business Bill Payer. The charges are withdrawn from the service fee account. The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to view and change the payment plan.

Note: Sometimes payment plans don't go into effect for a set period of time, such as after an introductory offer. To be certain of your payment plan, you can contact customer service.

To view the payment plan:

  1. Click Administration on any page.
    The Manage Administration Options page opens.
  2. In the What would you like to do section, click View payment plan.
    The payment plan information appears below the view option.
  3. Review the payment plans.
    If there is only one payment plan, that information appears for viewing only.

To change the payment plan:

  1. Select the payment plan you want.
    If you select a plan that includes finance software access, select the finance software that you use.
  2. Click Save Changes.
    The payment plan information is saved, and the page clears so that you can select another option. The next service fee withdrawal reflects any change to the payment plan.

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Canceling Service

You can cancel the Business Bill Payer service at any time.

Note: The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to cancel the service.

To cancel the Business Bill Payer service:

  1. Click Administration on any page.
    The Manage Administration Options page opens.
  2. In the What would you like to do section, click Cancel service.
    The cancel information appears below the cancel option.
  3. Review the information about canceling the Business Bill Payer service.
  4. Click Cancel Service.
    A confirmation message appears.
  5. Click OK to cancel the service.

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