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Add and Change Bill Options

What Can I Do?


You can manage any of the bills in Bill Pay, including the bills you receive electronically as well as those that you have set up to pay automatically. You can also manage reminders that help you keep track of bills that are due.

When you select a bill, you see a list of options that are available for managing it. These options vary based on the biller, your authority level, and the type of features already set up to pay the bill. When you select an option, Bill Pay displays the appropriate information so that you can make your changes or add new features.

To go to Manage My Bills:

Changing Biller Information

Bill Pay determines the information that you can change for the biller based on the type of bill you select. For your convenience, we maintain the addresses for some of the billers on our list. The biller notifies us of any changes, and we automatically apply these changes to the account information.

Note: When you change information about a biller, you can choose whether to apply the changes to pending payments or not, depending on your needs.


Bill Pay automatically assigns a category to each biller based on standard industry codes. If a biller does not have a standard code associated with it, it is assigned the category Uncategorized. For example, you may have an individual that you pay for maintenance or repair services. In this case, you could change the category to one that describes the type of expenses you are paying.

The category list includes the most common industry codes. If you don't see a category that suits your needs, you can add one. Keep in mind that you cannot delete a category or change a category name. You can, however, assign any new or existing category to the biller.

Account Numbers

For your security, only part of the account number is displayed. To change the account number, you must type the entire number, not just part of it. For example, if the account number is displayed as *7890 and the new number ends in 7891, you must type the entire number, 1234567891, not just change the partial number from *7890 to *7891. You may find the account number on a bill, invoice, or other correspondence from your biller.

Electronic Bills

If you receive an electronic version of the bill through Bill Pay, you cannot change the account number or the biller's address. To change the account number, you must delete the biller and add the bill again. However, the biller may send us an updated account number, in which case we notify you of the change.

Authority Levels

Your authority level determines whether you can change the biller information:

To change the biller information:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to change.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Update biller information.
    The biller information appears below the update option.
  3. Enter the changes you want to make.
  4. If you want to apply the changes to pending payments, click the box Apply changes to pending payments.
  5. Click Save Changes.
    The biller information is changed, and the page clears so that you can select another bill.

Go to the top of the page.

Deleting a Biller

When you delete a biller, you cancel any pending payments for the biller, including any payments that are scheduled automatically.

Tip: You may want to review the pending payments list on the Payment Center before you delete a biller.

Electronic Bills

If you delete a biller that sends you an electronic version of a bill:

If you receive an electronic bill after you deleted the biller, you can pay the bill using Bill Pay by adding the bill again. To have the payment associated with the electronic bill, you must also add the electronic version of the bill. You can also pay the bill by some other means, such as sending a check.

Note: You cannot delete a biller if you've added an electronic version of the bill and the request is pending. You must wait until you receive the first electronic bill to delete the biller.

Authority Levels

Your authority level determines whether you can delete a biller:

To delete a biller:

  1. In Biller Name, select the biller you want to delete.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Delete this biller.
    A confirmation message appears.
  3. Click OK to delete the biller and cancel any pending payments listed in the message.
    The biller is removed from the bills list.

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Managing the Electronic Version of a Bill

The following options may be available when the biller can send an electronic version of a bill.

Select this option... To...
Add an electronic version of my bill Receive an electronic version of the bill through Bill Pay.
Stop an electronic version of my bill Stop receiving an electronic version of the bill through Bill Pay.
Add email notification of an electronic bill Receive notification through email when you've received an electronic bill through Bill Pay.
Update email notification of an electronic bill Stop receiving email notifications or change the address for email notifications.

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Adding an Electronic Version of a Bill

You can receive some bills electronically through Bill Pay. We have established relationships with hundreds of billers nationwide that can send you an electronic version of a bill through Bill Pay. These electronic bills typically contain the same information included in the printed bills that are mailed to you.

When you receive electronic bills, you can view and pay them in Bill Pay. The biller may also offer the following features as part of the electronic billing service:

Email Address

Some billers require a contact email address when you add an electronic version of the bill. For other billers, this information is optional. However, a biller may use the email address to contact you if there is a question about a payment.

Note:  The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to change the email address. If you type a new email address, you change the address we use to send correspondence about the Bill Pay service.

To add an electronic version of a bill:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to receive electronically through Bill Pay.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Add an electronic version of my bill.
    The electronic bill information appears below the add option. The information varies based on how we receive bills from the biller.
  3. Type the information required by the biller.
    Some billers may require information such as the Federal Tax Identification Number, also known as the Employer Identification Number (EIN), for the business. The biller may also require you to enter the account number again. Other billers may require the information you use to access the account at the biller's website, such as a user ID, account number, or password.
    Tip: If you must re-enter the account number, be sure to enter it exactly as described on this page. The biller may require additional information to activate electronic bills for the account.
  4. Select one of the following options for receiving emails:
  5. Review the email address and type a new one if necessary.
    Note:  The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to change the email address. If you type a new email address, you change the address we use to send correspondence about the Bill Pay service.
  6. If the biller does not require a contact email address, you can select either Yes or No.
  7. If the service address information appears on this page, verify that it matches the address where the biller provides service. Make any changes to the address to match the billing records.
  8. If the biller's Terms & Conditions appear on this page, review the information and select the box to indicate that you've read and agree to it.
  9. Click Save Changes.
    A message informs you that your request to add an electronic version of a bill has been sent to the biller for approval. The rest of the page clears so that you can select another bill.

Look for a message in the Bill Pay inbox that lets you know when the biller has activated the electronic billing service. It may take a month or more to receive the first electronic bill, depending on the billing cycle.

When you start receiving electronic versions of the bill, an electronic bill icon appears next to the biller name in the Pay Bills section of the Payment Center. You can click the electronic bill icon to view and pay the bill.

A reminder also appears below the bill that shows the amount due and due date from your bill. The reminder appears as soon as Bill Pay receives the bill from the biller.

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Stopping an Electronic Version of the Bill

You can stop receiving electronic bills through Bill Pay anytime after the biller processes the request for them. If you stop receiving electronic bills, you also stop any automatic payments that you set up to pay them.

When you stop receiving electronic bills through Bill Pay, you receive them directly from the biller again. It can take an entire billing cycle to receive bills directly from the biller. You can still pay the bills using Bill Pay, but you won't be able to view the bills online from the Payment Center.

Authority Levels

Your authority level determines whether you can stop electronic bills:

To stop an electronic version of the bill:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to stop receiving electronically through Bill Pay.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Stop an electronic version of my bill.
    A confirmation message appears.
  3. Click OK.
    We send your request to stop an electronic version of the bill to the biller. The page clears so that you can select another bill.

Go to the top of the page.

Adding Email Notification of an Electronic Bill

Some billers that send us an electronic version of a bill can also notify you of the bill through email.

When you select the option to receive an electronic bill notification, you receive an email message that contains the bill information and a View/Pay button. After you click the button, you must sign in to Bill Pay to go to the Payment Center and pay the bill.

Some billers require a contact email address when you add email notification. For other billers, this information is optional. However, a biller may use the email address to contact you if there is a question about a payment.

Note:  The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to change the email address. If you type a new email address, you change the address we use to send correspondence about the Bill Pay service.

To add email notification of an electronic bill:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill for which you want to receive email notification.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Add email notification of electronic bill.
    The email notification information appears below the add option.
  3. Select the option that you want.
  4. Review the email address and type a new one, if necessary.
  5. If the biller does not require a contact email address, you can select either Yes or No.
  6. Click Save Changes.
    The page clears so that you can select another bill.

Go to the top of the page.

Changing Email Notification for an Electronic Bill

After you start receiving electronic bill notifications in an email, you may want to change the notification settings. For example, you may need to change the email address or decide to stop receiving the email notifications.

Note:  The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to change the email address. If you type a new email address, you change the address we use to send correspondence about the Bill Pay service.

To change email notification for an electronic bill:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to change.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Update email notification of electronic bill.
    The email notification information appears below the update option.
  3. Enter the appropriate changes.
    To stop receiving electronic bills in an email, select No in response to the question.
  4. Click Save Changes.
    The page clears so that you can select another bill.

Go to the top of the page.

Managing Bill Reminders

The following options are available if you want to receive bill reminders.

Select this option... To...
Set up reminders for this bill Receive reminders for a bill.
Change reminders for this bill Change the options you selected for the bill reminders.
Stop reminders for this bill Stop receiving reminders for a bill.

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Setting Up Bill Reminders

You can set up reminders to notify you when payments are due. Bill reminders are available as online notifications that appear in the Payment Center and as email reminders.

Online Reminders

You don't need to set up online reminders for a bill if you:

Email Reminders

You can also set up email reminders to notify you when a payment has been sent and when bills are past due. Email reminders can be associated with any bills, including electronic bills and automatic payments. You can select which bill-related events you want to receive email reminders for. Some email reminders contain links that you can click to view and pay the bill.

Note:  The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to change the email address. If you type a new email address, you change the address we use to send correspondence about the Bill Pay service.

To set up a bill reminder:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to set up reminders for.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Set up reminders for this bill.
    The bill reminder information appears below the setup option.
  3. In Typical Due Date, type the date when the bill is typically due. In most cases, you can simply type the due date for the current bill.
    Tip: Click the calendar icon to help determine the date.
  4. In Bill Received, select how frequently you receive this bill.
  5. In Typical Amount Due, type the amount of a typical payment for this bill. In most cases, you can simply type the amount due for the current bill.
  6. In How far in advance of the due date you want to be reminded of this bill, select when you want to be reminded of this bill.
  7. If you'd like to receive email reminders, review the email address (typing a new one, if necessary) and select when you want to receive the emails.
  8. Click Save Changes.
    Your reminders for this bill are set. The page clears so that you can select another bill.

After you've set up bill reminders, you see the reminder listed below the bill in the Pay Bills section of the Payment Center. If you've set up email reminders, you start to receive the ones you selected.

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Changing Bill Reminders

You can change the reminder options you've set up for a bill. Any changes affect future reminders for that bill.

Note:  The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to change the email address. If you type a new email address, you change the address we use to send correspondence about the Bill Pay service.

To change a bill reminder:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to change reminders for.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Change reminders for this bill.
    The bill reminder information appears below the change option.
  3. Enter the appropriate changes to the bill reminders.
  4. Click Save Changes.
    The reminders are changed for the bill. The page clears so that you can select another bill.

Note: If you change a reminder for a bill with an online notification appearing in the Payment Center, that notification may be removed until the new reminder options take effect. Email reminders may also be sent to you again.

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Stopping Bill Reminders

You can stop receiving reminders you've set up for a bill. When you stop reminders for a bill, the reminder no longer appears below the bill in the Pay Bills section of the Payment Center. You also stop receiving any email notifications you've set up.

To stop a bill reminder:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to stop receiving reminders for.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Stop reminders for this bill.
    A confirmation message appears.
  3. Click OK to stop getting reminders for the bill.
    Reminders are stopped for the bill. The page clears so that you can select another bill.

Go to the top of the page.

Managing Automatic Payments

The following options are available if you want to automatically schedule payments for the bills.

Select this option... To...
Add an automatic payment Automatically schedule payments for the bill.
Note:  This option is only available if you have at least one confirmed payment account.
View an automatic payment Review the options selected to automatically pay a bill.
Update automatic payment Change the options for an automatic payment.
Delete automatic payment Delete the payments you scheduled to be paid automatically.

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Adding an Automatic Payment

You can add an automatic payment for any bill.

Note: The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users can add automatic payments. However, Level 2 Users can only add automatic payments for accounts that they have access to use.

Electronic Bills

If you receive an electronic version of a bill through Bill Pay, the biller may let you pay it automatically. You can select the amount and date options according to your needs.

Tip: Some billers, such as credit card companies, send a minimum amount due for the bill, which may be different from the account balance. You may need to make additional payments to pay the account balance.

Automatic Payment Schedules

You can also automatically schedule payments of a set amount at regular intervals. For example, you can schedule a payment at the first of each month to pay a lease or rental fees. This type of automatic payment is always available, regardless of whether you receive electronic bills from the biller.

Tip: If the amount due for the bill varies, you can set up bill reminders to alert you to pay the bill. The reminder appears below the bill in the Pay Bills section of the Payment Center for a certain number of days before the due date. You can check the reminders to ensure you're making the payments on time.

Email Address

The Level 1 User is the only user who has the authority to change the email address. If you type a new email address, you change the address we use to send correspondence about the Bill Pay service.

Automatic Payment Restrictions

If you add an automatic payment, keep the following restrictions in mind:

To select a bill to pay automatically:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to pay automatically.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Add an automatic payment.
    The automatic payment information appears below the add option. The information varies based on whether your business receives an electronic bill through Bill Pay and the biller lets you set up options to pay it automatically.

To add an automatic payment for an electronic bill:

  1. In Pay From, select the account you want to pay the bills from.
  2. Select one of the following options:
  3. Select one of the following options:
  4. If you'd like to receive email about the automatic payments, review the email address (typing a new one, if necessary) and select when you want to receive the emails.
  5. Click Save Changes.
    The payment is set up. The page clears so that you can select another bill.

Note: If you select the option I want to control the date and amount of my automatic payment, the information changes to an automatic payment schedule, which is described in the next procedure.

To add an automatic payment schedule:

  1. In Pay From, select the account you want to pay the bills from.
  2. In Payment Amount, type the amount of the regular payments.
  3. Select one of the following options:
  4. In Send First Payment On, type the date when you want the biller to receive the first payment. Keep in mind that the payment starts processing before this date.
    Tip: Click the calendar icon to help determine the date for sending the first payment. The date must be a business day.
  5. In Payment Frequency, select the frequency for paying the bills.
    Frequency Definition
    Weekly Every week on (or near) the same day of the week you scheduled the first payment.
    Every 2 weeks Every other week on (or near) the same day of the week you scheduled the first payment.
    Every 4 weeks Every 28 days from the previous payment date, starting with the first payment date.
    Monthly Every month on (or near) the same date you scheduled the first payment.
    Twice a month Every month on (or near) the same date you scheduled the first payment. The second payment is scheduled 15 days after the first payment date.
    Every 2 months Every other month on (or near) the same date you scheduled the first payment.
    Every 3 months Every three months on (or near) the same date you scheduled the first payment.
    Every 6 months Every six months on (or near) the same date you scheduled the first payment.
    Annually Every 12 months on (or near) the same date you scheduled the first payment.

    Note: The dates may be adjusted to ensure that payments are sent on a business day within the selected time period. For example, if you select a Monthly frequency and schedule the first payment on 9/1/2012, Bill Pay sends the payment on 8/31/12 and the next three payments on these dates: 10/1/2012, 11/1/2012, and 11/30/2012.
  6. Select one of the following options:
  7. If you'd like to receive email about the automatic payments, review the email address (typing a new one, if necessary) and select when you want to receive the emails.
  8. Click Save Changes.
    The payment is set up. The page clears so that you can select another bill.

Go to the top of the page.

Viewing an Automatic Payment

You can review the options that were selected to automatically pay a bill. This option is available to all users, regardless of authority level.

To view an automatic payment:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to view.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click View automatic payment.
    The automatic payment information appears below the view option.
  3. Click Finished.
    The page clears so that you can select another bill.

Go to the top of the page.

Changing an Automatic Payment

You can change the payment information for any bill that you pay automatically. The changes affect all current and future payments associated with the bill.

Note: The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users are the only users who can change automatic payments. However, the Level 2 Users can only change payments for accounts that they have access to use.

Tip: If you want to change a payment that has been scheduled automatically, consider setting up bill reminders instead of an automatic payment schedule. The reminder appears below the bill in the Pay Bills section of the Payment Center for a certain number of days before the due date. You can check the reminders to ensure you're making the payments on time.

To change an automatic payment:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to update.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Update automatic payment for the automatic payment you want to change.
    The automatic payment information appears below the update option.
  3. Enter the appropriate changes to the payment information.
  4. Click Save Changes.
    A confirmation message appears.
  5. Click OK to change the automatic payment.
    The automatic payment information is changed. The page clears so that you can select another bill.

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Deleting an Automatic Payment

You can cancel payments that are scheduled automatically by deleting an automatic payment.

Note: The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users are the only users who can delete automatic payments. However, the Level 2 Users can only delete automatic payments for accounts that they have access to use.

To delete an automatic payment:

  1. In Biller Name, select the bill you want to change.
  2. In the What would you like to do? section, click Delete automatic payment for the automatic payment you want to delete.
    A confirmation message appears.
  3. Click OK to delete the automatic payment and cancel any scheduled payments listed in the message.
    The automatic payment is deleted. The page clears so that you can select another bill.

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