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What Can I Do?


The Messages feature provides a way for you to send and receive messages about your bill payment service.

Reading Messages

You receive a response from customer service to any message that you send through First South Financial Business Bill Pay. You may also receive the following types of messages, depending on the features you've set up in your account:

The messages are ordered by date, with the most recent date appearing first in the list. Each new message is marked as new.

Tip: You can also check the Payment Center for new messages. Look for the new messages link near the top of the page.

If you want to read a message that has already been sent, check the Messages Sent page.

To go to the Inbox page:

To read a message from customer service:

  1. Find the message you want to read.
  2. Click View next to the message.
    The View Message page opens.
  3. Click Close when you finish reading the message.
    The Inbox page opens.

To read a message sent to customer service:

  1. Click Sent Messages.
    The Messages Sent page opens.
  2. Find the message you want to read.
  3. Click View next to the message.
    The View Sent Message page opens.
  4. Click Close when you finish reading the message.
    The Messages Sent page opens.

Go to the top of the page.

Sending Us a Message

You can send us the following types of messages:

Payment Inquiries

If you have a problem with a processed payment, you can send us a payment inquiry. A payment inquiry includes the details of the payment, the amount of any late fees or finance charges that were assessed, and any comments you provide when you send the inquiry. Our customer service typically responds to payment inquiries within three to four business days.

Note:  You can only submit an inquiry on a payment processed within the past six months.

To send a payment inquiry, go to Bill History, find the payment in question, view the payment details, and click the payment inquiry link. For more information, see Sending a Payment Inquiry.

Transfer Inquiries

If you have a problem with a processed money transfer, you can send us a transfer inquiry. A transfer inquiry includes the details of the money transfer and any comments you provide when you send the inquiry. Our customer service typically responds to transfer inquiries within three to four business days.

To send a transfer inquiry, go to My Accounts, view the transfer history, find the transfer in question, view the transfer details, and click the transfer inquiry link. For more information, see Sending a Transfer Inquiry.

Note: Our customer service typically responds to your message in one to two business days.

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Deleting a Message

You can delete the messages in First South Financial Business Bill Pay. Read messages are automatically deleted from the inbox after 180 days. Unread messages remain in your inbox indefinitely.

Caution: If you delete a message, it is permanently removed from First South Financial Business Bill Pay. Before you delete a message, you can save or print a copy by using your browser's Save As or Print feature.

To delete a message from customer service:

  1. Go to the Inbox page.
  2. Find the message you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete next to the message.
    The message is deleted.

To delete a message sent to customer service:

  1. Go to the Messages Sent page.
  2. Find the message you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete next to the message.
    The message is deleted.

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