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Manage Account Options

What Can I Do?


You must have at least one account set up in First South Financial Business Bill Pay from which to make payments for your business. The Level 1 User added one or more accounts during enrollment in this service.

What you can do on this page varies based on your authority level, the accounts you have access to, and account status.

The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users can add more accounts on this page. The accounts are then available in a list to select from when you pay bills and set up automatic payments. All accounts added by the Level 2 User must be approved by the Level 1 User.

After an account is added to First South Financial Business Bill Pay, the Level 1 User or Level 2 User should confirm it. Account confirmation provides an extra level of assurance that the account you added is actually an account you are authorized to use.

To go to My Accounts:

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Adding or Changing an Account Nickname

The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users can review, add, or change the nickname of an account. The account nickname appears when you are:

Note:  The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users can also edit the account nickname from the Account Details page. To change any other account information for an active account, add a new account with the correct information, confirm the new account, and then delete the account with the incorrect information. If you've made any payments from the incorrect account, you may want to move them before you delete the account. To change other information for an unapproved account, Level 2 Users can make changes on the Account Details page. The Level 1 User can make changes during the approval process on the Manage Administration Options page.

To add or change an account nickname:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Type a new or updated nickname in the box.
  3. Click Save.
    The box closes and your changes are saved.

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Adding an Account

Only the Level 1 User and Level 2 Users are allowed to add an account. All accounts added by Level 2 Users must be approved by the Level 1 User.

To add an account, you need the account number and the financial institution's routing transit number. You can find these numbers on a check or deposit slip for the account.

To add an account:

  1. In the What would you like to do? section, click Add an account.
    The account information appears below the add option.
  2. In Account Type, select the type of account from which the funds are withdrawn. The account type can be a regular checking account or a money market account with check-writing privileges.
  3. Click either Personal Account or Business Account, depending on the type of account you want to add.
  4. In Account Nickname, type something that identifies the account to you. Typing a description for the account name helps remind you which account you are using—for example, Primary Checking or Secondary Money Market.
  5. In Routing Transit Number, select the financial institution's routing transit number from the list.
    Tip: You can usually find this number in the bottom left corner of a check, or you can call the financial institution and ask for the number. This number must be correct for the payments to process.
  6. In Account Number, type the account number.
    Tip: You can usually find this number at the bottom of a check or on your account statement. This number must be correct for the payments to process.
  7. In Confirm Account Number, retype the account number to verify it.
  8. Click Add Account.
  9. Review the account information and click Finished.
    A message confirms that the new account has been successfully added, and the new account appears in the accounts list.

All accounts must be approved before they are confirmed. Accounts added by the Level 1 User are automatically approved. Accounts added by Level 2 Users must be approved by the Level 1 User.

You should confirm the new account as soon as possible. Confirming the account enables you to use all the features of First South Financial Business Bill Pay. You can have three unconfirmed accounts in a 12-month period, which includes any account that you delete. If you reach this limit, you must confirm one of the accounts before adding another.

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Approving an Account

The Level 1 User must approve any accounts added by Level 2 Users. Accounts added by the Level 1 User are automatically approved. Accounts are approved on the Manage Administrative Options page.

To approve an account, go to Administration:

Note: After an account is approved by the Level 1 User, the Level 1 User or Level 2 User can confirm it.

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Confirming an Account

Confirming an account enables you to use all the features of First South Financial Business Bill Pay. The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users can confirm accounts. Unconfirmed accounts have the following limitations:

These limitations protect your business in case someone uses the account without authorization. When you confirm the account using information that only you or another authorized user can know, we re-evaluate the First South Financial Business Bill Pay account and remove most of the restrictions. The only limitation for a confirmed account is the payment limit set by PSCU Financial Services.

Whenever you add a payment account for the business, we make two small deposits and one withdrawal in the account. (The withdrawal is the sum of the two deposits.) The deposits and withdrawal appear on the monthly account statement from your financial institution (either online or mailed to you) with ACCTCONFRM or similar wording in the description. Find this information on the statement and use it to confirm the account.

To confirm an account:

  1. In the Status column, click Unconfirmed for the account you want to confirm.
    The Confirm Account page opens.
  2. Check the account statement from your financial institution and find two deposits with ACCTCONFRM or similar wording in the description.
  3. In Confirm Deposit Amount 1, type one of the deposit amounts from your statement.
  4. In Confirm Deposit Amount 2, type the other deposit amount from your statement.
  5. Click Confirm to confirm the account.
    The Manage Account Options page opens again, and the status of the account changes to Confirmed.

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Managing Account Transfers

The following options may be available to transfer money from one account to another.

Note: Account transfers are only available to the Level 1 User and Level 2 Users. However, Level 2 Users can only transfer money to and from accounts that they have access to use.

Select this option... To...
Transfer money Transfer money from one account to another
Update repeating transfer Change the schedule for a repeating transfer.
Cancel repeating transfer Cancel the schedule for a repeating transfer.

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Transferring Money

You can transfer money two ways in First South Financial Business Bill Pay:

Transfers are typically credited to an account one to three business days after the transfer date, depending on the amount of the transfer and the transfer limits. Transfer limits are based on a risk assessment.

Before you can make a transfer, you must have two accounts set up in First South Financial Business Bill Pay and the account you are transferring money into must be confirmed.

Note: Account transfers are only available to the Level 1 User and Level 2 Users. However, Level 2 Users can only transfer money to and from accounts that they have access to use.

To make a single transfer:

  1. In the What would you like to do? section, click Transfer money.
    The transfer information appears below the transfer option.
  2. Leave the No option selected.
  3. In From Account, select the account you want the money withdrawn from.
  4. In Transfer Amount, type the amount you want to transfer.
  5. In To Account, select the account you want the money deposited into.
    Note: You can only transfer money to a confirmed account.
  6. In Transfer Date, type the date you want this transfer to occur.
    Tip: Click the calendar icon to help you select a date to make the transfer.
  7. Click Transfer.
    A confirmation message appears.
  8. Click Finished.
    The transfer information appears in the Recent Transfers list if it falls within the next 30 days.

To set up a repeating transfer:

  1. In the What would you like to do? section, click Transfer money.
    The transfer information appears below the transfer option.
  2. Click the Yes option.
  3. In From Account, select the account you want the money withdrawn from.
  4. In Transfer Amount, type the amount you want to transfer.
  5. In To Account, select the account you want the money deposited into.
    Note: You can only transfer money to a confirmed account.
  6. In First Transfer Date, type the date that you want the first transfer to occur.
    Tip: Click the calendar icon to help you select a date to make the first transfer.
  7. In Transfer Frequency, select how often you want to make the transfer.
  8. In Send Transfers Until, select one of the following options for the length of time you want the transfers to repeat:
  9. Click Transfer.
    A confirmation message appears.
  10. Click Finished.
    The transfer information appears in the Recent Transfers list if it falls within the next 30 days.

Go to the top of the page.

Updating a Repeating Transfer

You can update any repeating transfer.

Note: Account transfers are only available to the Level 1 User and Level 2 Users. However, Level 2 Users can only transfer money to and from accounts that they have access to use.

To update a repeating transfer:

  1. In the What would you like to do? section, click Update repeating transfer for the repeating transfer you want to change.
    The repeating transfer information appears below the update option.
  2. Enter the changes you want to make.
  3. Click Save Changes.
    A message appears listing the transfers affected by your changes.
  4. Click OK.
    The message window closes.
  5. Click Finished.
    Your changes are saved, and the updated transfer appears in the Recent Transfers list if it is scheduled within the next 30 days.

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Canceling a Repeating Transfer

You can cancel any repeating transfer. When you cancel a repeating transfer, you cancel any pending transfers in the schedule.

Note: Account transfers are only available to the Level 1 User and Level 2 Users. However, Level 2 Users can only transfer money to and from accounts that they have access to use.

To cancel a repeating transfer:

  1. In the What would you like to do? section, click Cancel repeating transfer for the repeating transfer you want to cancel.
    A confirmation message appears.
  2. If you're sure that you want to cancel this repeating transfer, click OK.
    The repeating transfer is canceled.

Go to the top of the page.

Moving Payments

You can move pending payments from one account to another. When you move payments, you move all pending payment activity, including any automatic payments and repeating transfers.

Authority Levels

Your authority level determines which payments you can move. Any Level 1 User and Level 2 User can move pending payments (approved or unapproved) to another account. For Level 3 Users, the payments can only be moved if they have not been approved. However, Level 2 Users and Level 3 Users can only move payments to and from accounts that they have access to use.

Note: You can only move payments to a confirmed account.

To move payments to a different account:

  1. In the What would you like to do? section, click Move payments.
    The move payments information appears below the move option.
  2. In From Account, select the account you want to move payments from.
  3. In To Account, select the account you want to move payments to.
  4. Click Move Payments.
    The Confirm Move page opens. It lists all of the pending payments and transfers that will be moved to the other account. If any transfers cannot be moved, they appear in a separate section at the bottom of the page.
  5. Click Confirm Move.
    The Confirm Move page refreshes and shows all of the transactions that have moved to the new account.
    Note: If you are only moving payments and transfers that are scheduled automatically, this step is not necessary. You can go directly to the next step.
  6. Click Finished.
    The Manage Account Options page opens.

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