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Transfer Detail

What Can I Do?


You can view details about any account transfer, including the status of the transfer.

If the transfer hasn't started processing, you can cancel it. If the transfer has already been processed and you have a problem with it, contact your financial institution or send us a transfer inquiry.

Transfer Statuses

The following statuses may appear on this page.

Status Description
In Process The transfer has started processing.
Processed The transfer has completed, and it was sent to your financial institution. Transfers are typically credited to your account one to three business days after the transfer date.
Canceled You canceled this transfer.

The Cancel link appears instead of the status when a transfer has not started processing. You can click the Cancel link to cancel the transfer, if necessary.

Authority Levels

Account transfer options are only available to the Level 1 User and Level 2 Users.

Viewing the Transfer Detail

The Transfer Detail page shows the details and status of an account transfer.

To go to the Transfer Detail page:

  1. Click My Accounts on any page.
    The Manage Account Options page opens.
  2. Go to the Recent Transfers section.
  3. Click View Transfer History.
    The Transfer History page opens.
  4. Find the transfer you want to view.
    You may need to enter a different date range to find the transfer you want.
  5. Click View Detail next to the transfer.
    The Transfer Detail page opens.

To view transfer detail:

  1. View the transfer details.
  2. Click Print if you want to print a copy of the transfer details.
  3. Click Finished when you are through viewing the transfer details.
    The Manage Account Options page opens.

Go to the top of the page.

Canceling a Transfer

You can cancel any transfer that has not started processing. After you cancel a transfer, its status changes to Canceled. Canceled transfers remain in the transfer history list and may also appear in the Recent Transfers section of the Manage Account Options page.

Repeating Transfers

If you cancel a transfer that is part of an automatic transfer schedule, only the selected transfer is canceled. You do not cancel any future transfers in the transfer schedule. To cancel all transfers in a repeating transfer schedule, you must cancel the repeating transfer.

To cancel a transfer:

  1. Click Cancel.
    A confirmation message appears.
  2. Click OK to cancel the transfer.
    The Transfer Detail page opens, and the transfer's status is changed to Canceled.
  3. Click Finished when you are through viewing the transfer details.
    The Manage Account Options page opens.

Go to the top of the page.

Sending a Transfer Inquiry

If you're experiencing a problem with a processed transfer, contact your financial institution. If you don't resolve the problem directly with the financial institution, you can send us a transfer inquiry. Our customer service will contact your financial institution on your behalf in an attempt to resolve the problem.

Note: You can only inquire about a processed transfer. If you're having problems with a transfer that has not been processed, you can cancel it. After you cancel a transfer, however, you cannot inquire about it.

To send us a transfer inquiry:

  1. Click Transfer Inquiry.
    The Transfer Inquiry page opens.
  2. Select a reason for your inquiry.
  3. In Additional Comments, type a description of your question or problem. The more details you provide, the better we can answer your question.
  4. Click Send Inquiry.
    The Transfer Inquiry Sent page opens.
  5. Click Print to print the message that you sent to customer service.
  6. Click Finished.
    The Manage Account Options page opens.
    Note: Check the Bill Pay inbox in three to four business days for a reply.

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